The beauty of sitting around and doing nothing
I wrote an essay for Globe and Mail about doing nothing, and how lovely it was to just sit and notice one's surroundings. The essay must...

Food Distribution: How to Give Fairly with Less Waste
I would never have read the fascinating research I cover here without Matt Shipman, the NC State PIO, directing me to it. One of my...

Why Don't More Women Talk About Pregnancy Headaches?
And then, my InStyle editor was so pleased with my previous work, she assigned me this story. I fortunately never had to deal with...

You Might Have Sunscreen In Your Blood — But Don't Freak Out Just Yet
This article for InStyle is an example of the importance of maintaining good relationships. Last year I spent a good deal of time...

Why I seek out abandoned places
A few days ago The Globe and Mail published this essay about my love of exploring and photographing abandoned places. I have been...

Can New Technology Put a Dent in the Rape Kit Backlog?
This story is my first for Undark, a publication I have long admired and hoped to contribute to. I found the story after I noticed a...

Do plants poop?
I responded to a public pitch request from a PopSci editor, and she invited me to suggest some topics for a new online series geared at...

Grass, Trees, and Fire: Elements of a Savanna Lifecycle
It was a pleasure to read and write about mathematical modeling of savanna and forest ecology for SIAM News. SIAM News is "the...

Why cute things make me sad
This Globe and Mail op-ed is my first published opinion piece. The opinions editor is a delight, and it was refreshing to be able to just...

What If You Take a Lyft Instead of an Ambulance?
A twitter friend alerted me that Glamour online was looking for stories that connected money and tech, and this was an angle I had been...