Expert Views: Beyond a Top-down Approach to Aleppo’s Reconstruction
For months I had heard reports of the devastation wrought by ongoing conflict in Syria, and then, at long last, an ending. Finally, I...

The Average Human Vagina
It turns out that there is so much variation among female anatomy that doctors, surgeons, and researchers find it difficult to define exactl

Should We Study Human Embryos Beyond 14 Days?
Studying human embryos after 14 days of development could be illuminating, but ethical questions abound

How Sniffing Poop Helps Monkeys Stay Healthy
Like humans, mandrills of central Africa have strategies to avoid getting sick.

Swim, Sperm Robots, Swim
This short write-up appeared online and in print in the Crux section of Discover Magazine. I first read Discover in the dentist office as...

Llama Llove
The artificial llama vagina

Human vs. Squirrel: The Battle of Wits Is On
This one was really fun to write, and a departure from my normal research-heavy pieces. I was surprised when my editor agreed to this...

How Sex Is Like Your Thermostat
Here I compared sex to a thermostat. Basically, they both work as feedback loops. Of course the parallels aren't perfect (I'm looking at...

How a Rubber Hand Can Help Fight Racial Bias
The human brain is capable of such complexity and such monumental failure. I find this pairing perpetually fascinating. For this piece I...

What if Obesity is Nobody's Fault
This piece was my first ever feature. Nautilus was a brand new publication and they were willing to take chances on new writers. I had...